Ten Commandments of Grits

40 Things Never Said By Southerners
A Southern Pick-up Truck
Characteristics of a Southern Gentleman
Characteristics of a Southern Lady
Common Courtesies in the South
Food Southerners Love
Football Season: North vs. South
Having Breakfast
History of Southern Words
How to make a Southerner Mad
List of Southern Rock Bands
Old Southern Expressions
Proper Southern Manners
Rules of the Southern Lifestyle
Rules for Driving in the South
Some Southern Sayins
Southern Born Treats
Southern Rock
Ten Commandments of Grits
The North VS. The South
The History of the Great American Moon Pie
Things a True Southerner Knows
Things Beloved by Southerners
Things EVERY True Southerner Knows
Things You'll Never Hear a Southerner Say
Things you see More of in the South than Anywhere Else
Tips for a Northerner movin' South
Tips for all Southern Occasions
Top 5 Southern Manners
True Southerners Know
Top 9 Sports of the South
When God Created The South!
You know its a Southern Restaurant if
You know you are from the South if
Visiting the South Dos and Donts


1. Thou shalt not put syrup on thy Grits
2. Thou shalt not eat thy Grits with a spoon
3. Thou shalt not eat Cream of Wheat and call it Grits for this is blasphemy
4. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors Grits
5. Thou shalt only use Salt, Butter and Cheese as toppings for thy Grits.
6. Thou shalt not eat Instant Grits
7. Thou shalt not put syrup on thy Grits
8. Thou shalt not put syrup on thy Grits.
9. Thou shalt not put syrup on thy Grits.
10. Thou shalt not put sugar on thy Grits either

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