A whistling woman and a crowing hen never comes to a very good end. (be who you are)
that the berries! (that is great!)
As easy as sliding off a greasy log backward. (very easy)
Barking up the wrong tree.
(you are wrong)
Be like the old lady who fell out of the wagon. (you aren't involved, so stay out of it)
Busy as a stump-tailed
cow in fly time. (very busy)
Caught with your pants down. (surprised and unprepared)
Chugged full. (full and over-flowing)
go on. (you must be joking)
Don't bite off more than you can chew. (attempt what you can accomplish)
Don't count your
chickens until they hatch. (first know the results)
Don't let the tail wag the dog. (the cheif is in charge, not the Indians)
let your mouth overload your tail. (talking too much)
Either fish or cut bait. (work or make way for those who will)
a blind hog finds an acorn now and then. (everyone is sometimes lucky)
Every dog should have a few fleas. (no one is perfect)
off the handle. (angry and lashing out)
Get the short end of the stick. (not invited and treated wrong)
Give down the
country. (give someone a peice of your mind)
Go hog wild. (have a good time)
Go off half-cocked. (have only half the
Go to bed with the chickens. (in bed early)
Go whole hog. (go for it all)
Gone back on your raisin. (deny
Got your feathers ruffled. (upset and pouting)
Happy as a dead pig in the sunshine. (doesn't grasp or worry
what's going on)
Have no axe to grind. (no strong opinion)
Holler like a stuck pig. (someone mislead you)
I do declare.
(usually means nothing)
In high cotton. (rising up in society)
In a coon's age. (been a long time)
Like a bump on
a log. (lazy and doing nothing)
Like two peas in a pod. (act and think alike)
Mend fences. (settle differences)
as hen's teeth. (no such thing)
Sight for sore eyes. (Nice to you!)
Stomping grounds. (familiar territory)
Sun don't
shine on the same dog's tail all the time. (you'll get what you deserve)
That takes the cake. (surprised)
Too big for
one's britches. (someone taking themself too seriously)
Two shakes of a sheep's tail. (done quickly)
Well, shut my mouth.
(shocked and speechless)